Best Perks, Weapons, Augments and Steps for the Liberty Falls Easter Egg Quest in Black Ops 6 Zombies

Black Ops 6 Zombies is one of the best zombies games we’ve played in years. We love bringing back the gobblegums from fan favorite zombies, Black Ops 3, and we love all the new augments, killstreaks, equipment, perks, and more that they’ve add to game to make us keep coming back for more zombie slaying action! If you haven’t played any zombies, we’ll help you get started leveling up weapons, perks and augments that will improve your experience, and if you haven’t beaten the Liberty Falls Easter Egg, we’ll also provide a step-by-step guide for how to complete that quest before the guided mode comes out so you can claim the rewards for beating it early!
Before You Load In

Deadshot Performance Thumbsticks
Before we jump into Liberty Falls, we have to make sure our gear is fully upgraded and ready to go, starting with our controller. Call of Duty Deadshot Edition Thumbstick give you full control of new game features like omni movement while increasing the speed and accuracy of your aiming so you can hit more zombie headshots! Prepare your controller for all the action-packed mayhem of Call of Duty Zombies! Available for PlayStation and Xbox, the laser-etched design gives you increased grip and control during those scary high round clutch moments or when you’re in the boss fight of an easter egg quest!

Best Weapons
There are a lot of good weapons to use in Black Ops 6 Zombies, but for the Liberty Falls easter egg quest the easiest weapon to use is sitting right in the spawn room, GS45 Akimbo Pistols. This does require you to level up the pistols to unlock akimbo, then build this loadout, the go back a screen and press the left trigger to save that loadout as your “Zombies Loadout” which will be denoted by a little red icon next to the gun. This means when you buy this gun of the wall or get it in the mystery box, it will have these attachments on it. If you are struggling to find salvage to upgrade your weapons, swap out the grip for a suppressor attachment.

Augments are a new leveling system in Black Ops 6 zombies that allow you to unlock and apply modifiers to your Perks, Field Upgrades, and Ammo Mods. If you haven’t played any Black Ops 6 zombies, you will start out by researching Stamin-Up, which you can see in the “Research Augments” screen. Once you unlock a few augments, you will have to equip them in the “Equip Augments” screen. For each, Perk, Field Upgrade, or Ammo Mod, you can have one minor and one major augment equipped. You will not need augments to complete this easter egg but there are a few that will make it significantly easier that we recommend prioritizing while you are researching new augments.
Perk-A-Cola Augments
Juggernogg has always been a go-to first perk for a lot of zombies players, but in Black Ops 6 it can be even more helpful to keeping you alive. We’ve been running the Probiotic Major Augment for slightly increased heath, with the Hardened Plates Minor Augment which increases Damage Mitigation of your armor plates.
For Stamin-Up we recommend the Dasher Major Augment for increased tac sprint duration.
Upgrade your Speed Cola with the Classic Formula Major Augment to further reduce your reload times.
The Deadshot Daiquiri Major Augment Dead Head increases critical damage, while the Dead Brick Minor Augment increase damage to armor pieces.
PHD Flopper has some really fun augments, but our favorites have to be the Major Augment PHD Slider, which creates explosions when you slide into zombies, paired with the Tribologist Minor Augment that increases your sliding distance and speed
One of the best augments in the game, especially for solo players is the Quick Revive Major Augment Dying Wish, which makes it so that when you take enough damage to go down, you instead become immune to all damage for 2 seconds and you lose your quick revive perk, which you can rebuy up to 3 times, essentially doubling the amount of self-revives you can use each match!
Ammo Mod Augments
The best ammo mod augments for the Liberty Falls easter egg are going to be the Major Augments called Big Game that enable your ammo mods to effect elite enemies. This means with the Big Game Brain Rot, you can turn Elite Enemies, and with Big Game Napalm Burst, you can burn elite enemies, which is the ammo mod and augment we recommend for this quest.
Field Upgrade Augments
There are a couple of useful field upgrades in this quest. I think it should come as no surprise that our favorite however is the Aether Shroud field upgrade, which will help us complete some of the easter egg steps solo. We recommend the Minor Augment Extra Charge, to double the amount of Aether Shrouds you can bring into the boss fight, and the Burst Dash Major Augment to get around the map easier and help you get out of tight spaces.

You don’t need to use any super rare gobblegums to complete this easter egg, but if you have the stock to use a few simple ones, they will help you out quite a bit. We ran this quest with the lowest rarity gobblegums, such as Stock Option, Arsenal Accelerator, Shields Up, Temporal Gift, and Anywhere But Here.
Liberty Falls Easter Egg Steps

Making Your way to the Church
Now that you are loading into the map, your first few levels, as with most zombies maps, are going to be focused on earning points and buying doors to reach the pack-a-punch machine, which is incidentally where we will start the easter egg quest officially. In the first room there are a few bonus easter eggs we want to call out. You can knife the vending machine near the door to Liberty Lanes each level for a random item that can be points, equipment, a perk, or even a wonder weapon! There is also a purple shoe in the gas station that we can shoot from the window if we want to start a bowling side easter egg in liberty lanes which is super fun and can earn you some really good loot as well.
As you are making your way to the power, we recommend going right, you can shoot another shoe in the window of the laundromat.
In this area we’ll encounter our first perk machine, which if you didn’t know you can lay prone in front of for a free 100 points!
You also want to grab the nozzle piece from the hose for a step to build the wonder weapon.
Lastly for this area for now, you can shoot another shoe in the window up the staircase.
In the next area before the church there are a few side easter eggs we want to complete.
First, shoot our fourth shoe hanging in the tree in the back of the graveyard.
Just to the right of that shoe, on a fence, you will see 5 cans. If you can shoot all 5 cans in a row without missing a shot, you will earn a Deadshot Daiquiri Perk! This does require a few seconds of peace, some good aim, and is significantly easier with a long range scope and some KontrolFreek Thumbsticks!
Additionally, if you kill zombies in the graveyard for long enough, a special zombie will appear with a flannel shirt and overalls called “The Groundskeeper”. Kill this zombie before he disappears and then use the key he drops to open his shed just around the corner from the graveyard for our first wonder weapon part!
Lastly, before you enter the church, we want to take advantage of another side easter egg that involves hitting a church spire with an explosive, which will make zombie parts fall from the sky that drop essence, salvage, and an aether tool to upgrade the rarity of your weapon. We want at least a blue rarity weapon for free, so that we can save our salvage for upgrading to the higher rarities. If you wait until round 10, then throw an explosive at the left church spire, the aether tool that drops will be blue, or you can wait until the GS45s on the wall in the spawn room are blue, and then buy them. These GS45s, once pack-a-punched, turn into grenade launchers, which can be fired insanely fast when running akimbo. It’s important to note that using these pistols is considerably easier with the PHD flopper perk, as this will negate an explosive damage you might take from fire them too close to yourself

Building The Wonder Weapon
After you enter the church, interact with this device on the wall to start the first easter egg quest dialogue. Next, we going to open the door directly opposite of the church and head into Liberty Lanes. In here, we want to knife or shoot a panel on the wall and then use the part we grabbed from the hose earlier to interact with the panel which will take about 30 seconds, during which time, the game will spawn more zombies. You can use smoke grenades or aether shroud to make the zombies ignore you for a bit. As long as you don’t leave the bowling alley for more than 10 seconds, you wont lose your progress, so take your time, and once you finish, the panel will drop our second wonder weapon piece!
Across the street from Liberty Lanes is a funeral home. We can shoot the shoes on top of the casket for our fifth pair of shoes, which will activate the bowling easter egg. You want to focus on hitting the zombies with your bowling balls. If you can get 300 points you have a higher chance for some epic loot.

After this side easter egg, we’re going to get our last part to the wonder weapon. Head back to this store we walked by on our way up to the church, and were going to need to use a mangler cannon blast to blow open the door. We can accomplish this by waiting for mangler to spawn and baiting them to shoot the door, you can shoot the manglers cannon arm and sometimes a mangler cannon kill streak will drop, or we can craft a mangler cannon killstreak at a workbench and shoot the door ourselves. Once inside, interact with rubble piles on the ground to find the one that randomly contains our last wonder weapon part!
Now head back to spawn and walk up the stairs to the hotel balcony, where a door will burst open with around 6 zombies. You can activate this event at any time, including on level 1, making this an easy way to get some extra points! The workbench to build the Thrustodyne Model 23 is inside the room the zombies burst out of.

Building the LTG
Once we have the wonder weapon, our next step is to use the right trigger attack to suck 3 parts for the LTG toward us. Our first part is in the ceiling of the comic book room with quick revive. Our second part requires us to jump onto the truck right next to speed cola, and suck the part out of the window, and our last part is in the church right next to Panos on the balcony.
Once we have all three parts, use the zipline above speed cola to reach the roof of the bank, where you will find the workbench to build the LTG. After we build the LTG, head back to the church, and after some dialogue from Panos, you can grab an Aether Canister from the device we interacted with to start the quest.
Charging the Aether Canisters
For this last step before the boss room. We need to find 2 spots on the map that have been experiencing a very localized purple aether storm, and interact with the circle on the ground. Our first Aether Storm spot is going to be in the graveyard, but first, we’re going to drop our Aether Canister next to one of the nearby traps.

After dropping our Aether Canister, interact with the circle on the ground in the center of the storm in the graveyard to drop the LTG, which will activate a timed event, where you need to protect the LTG from incoming zombies. If zombies destroy the LTG, you will have to try again next level. If you successfully defend the LTG, it will spawn an elite enemy. Damage this elite down to around 25% health while you lead it toward the Aether Canister you dropped earlier. When the elite is near the Aether Canister, active the nearby Aether Field Generator trap, which will cost you 1000 essence. Your goal is to kill the elite enemy, while they are caught in the trap that the Aether Canister was dropped in. If you successfully achieve this, the Aether Canister will glow purple, and then once you interact with it, you will pick it up, not be able to run and have 90 seconds to return it to the device at the church.
After delivering your first charged Aether Canister grab the yellow Strauss Counter that pops out to the left. We need to use this Strauss Counter on three machines around the map to ensure the colors are set correctly. Our first device is right across from the church, on the steps. When you are near one of these machines, press the left trigger to pull out your Strauss Counter, which will show a color of either Red, Yellow, or Green. All we need to do here is make sure that any machine that our Strauss Counter shows as green, we interact with the machine until the light is red. If the counter shows are yellow, make sure the machine has a yellow light. If the counter shows red, set the machine to green. Our next machine is next to the groundskeepers shed, but on our way there we need to grab the LTG from where we left it in the graveyard. The third machine is on top of the building that we can drop down to from the bank roof where we built the LTG. Once all 3 machines are set to the proper colors, you will see beams of purple light connect the three machines to a device that was in the spawn room. After a few seconds, this device in the spawn will output our third and final Aether Canister. Drop that cannister next to one of the trap spots on the ground in the spawn room, then head towards the comic bookstore for your last Aether Storm. Interact with the circle on the ground in the middle of the storm to repeat the step we did in the graveyard. After defending the LTG, another elite will spawn, lead them to traps in the spawn room, then kill them while they are being trapped next to the Aether Canister to charge it up. Pick up the charged Aether Canister and deliver it to the device in the church. After completing this step, you can interact with the device again to start the boss fight!

Boss Fight Room
Before we enter the final encounter of this quest, we want to make sure we are prepared for success. You can certainly beat the boss room on a low level with guns that aren’t fully upgraded if you prefer a challenge or want to beat it quickly for the dark ops challenge, but we recommend getting a few things before you head in. First, we recommend upgrading those GS45 akimbo pistols to gold rarity and applying a Napalm Burst ammo mod to them. They should also be pack-a-punched at least twice. The boss encounter takes place in the church where the pack-a-punch machine is, so don’t worry about getting all the way to triple PAP, because you can do it doing the encounter and it’s actually a good way to refill your ammo. We recommend pack-a-punching the Thrustodyne Model 23 at least once. For perks, we recommend at least Juggernogg, Quick Revive, Stamin-Up, and PHD Flopper. You should definitely have a self-revive, and we’d also recommend building a Mutant Injection killstreak. Your equipment isn’t super important but tacticals to help you stay alive like stims, decoys, or monkey bombs will come in handy. We also recommend have at least 5-10k of essence on you in case you need to buy ammo.
Once you are ready for the final encounter, active the device in the church to start it. Our number 1 goal at all times in this encounter is to stay alive, so keep moving around while you kill zombies. Use your wonder weapon to kill as many zombies and manglers as you can, as you want to save you GS45 ammo for the elites. Once you kill enough zombies, an elite named mangler will spawn. Use your GS45s and maybe a gobblegum like stock option or your Aether Shroud to melt him quickly. This will spawn a max armor power up that won’t go away for a while so use it when you need it. Then kill more zombies and manglers with your Thrustodyne. Use your GS45s as much as you need to, buy ammo if you need to, then melt the second named mangler once he spawns. This will spawn a max ammo that lasts extra long that you can use when you need it. Do 1 final round of killing zombies and manglers to spawn an elite Abomination. This elite is the toughest part of the quest, so don’t hold back on using your gobblegums, aether shroud, and any tacticals to help you stay alive and doing damage. You can also activate your mutant injection and melee the Abomination to death pretty easily while being invulnerable to damage!
Once you defeat the mega abomination and the rest of the zombies, your character will go down, and the final cutscene will begin. After the cutscene, you’ll have the option to leave the game or continue with some special rewards. Opting to continue will spawn you back on top of the gas station where we started and spawn in a bunch of random epic rewards like ray guns, gold weapons, gold crystals and aether tools. Enjoy the rest of the match for as many rounds as you like and then exfil for extra xp. If you are having any trouble with exfilling, especially at higher rounds, trying using a chopper gunner killstreak, that makes exfilling super easy.
We’ll be talking a lot more about Black Ops 6 in the coming weeks so keep up with KontrolFreek Blogs for the latest guides, rankings, recommendations for Black Ops 6 Zombies and all your other favorite games! Follow KontrolFreek on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok and join our Twitch streams for opportunities to win free limited edition Black Ops 6 KontrolFreek and SteelSeries products!