The one change Littlemann17 made to increase his hitting for MLB The Show!
Littlemann17 is back with another excellent video, showcasing the immediate impact equipping KontrolFreek’s Precision rings makes on his performance in MLB The Show. Combined with his own Littlemann17 Edition Thumbsticks, he goes from feeling a little rusty and in a slump to hitting bombs and quickly becoming a threat to any pitcher he faces. As the title suggests, one simple change was all he needed, and that was utilizing the Precision Rings that come packaged with the official Precision Sports Baseball Kit: Littlemann17 Edition Thumbsticks.
KontrolFreek’s Precision Rings are Littlemann’s secret weapon, they are so easy to install and compatible with PlayStation 4 & 5, Xbox One & Switch Pro controllers. The unique and durable material makes it easy to pop on over your controller’s stock thumbsticks so you can utilize these whenever you need assistance with your aim or if you are trying out new sensitivity settings. As Littlemann17 mentions, you can immediately see and feel an impact when it comes to hitting with the Precision Rings and they come in three different strengths; Soft (Green) Medium (Purple) and Hard (Black). Each of these strengths comes with higher resistance so you can test out what sensitivity setting works best for you and I recommend utilizing each one to figure out what is most comfortable.
Once Littlemann17 gets settled in he quickly hits a home run with Acuna and you can even see how his PCI is perfect several at-bats in a row showcasing the benefit he is gaining from using the Precision Rings. He even mentions just after the 13-minute mark (13:15) that the Precision Rings have fixed his PCI placement which is your Plate Coverage Indicator, a crucial feature that allows players to understand how accurate their swings are. The PCI is typically controlled by the left thumbstick so for newer players or those new to the precision rings in combination with KontrolFreek Thumbsticks it might be easier to try equipping the left thumbstick and working up to using both. The main advantage the rings provide is preventing any stick drifts or misalignment when swinging, I know from personal experience that having heavy thumbs can ruin a good swing.
These Precision Rings provide the perfect range of resistance to eliminate any potential human error when it comes to games like MLB The Show. LittleMann17 even mentions in his most recent video, “I love my precision rings, oh my gosh, maybe I am not awful” about his long hiatus from the game and how quickly he saw his performance improve once adding his precision rings. Overall, that is not the only component to hitting as he mentions his timing is off so the Precision Rings and Thumbsticks cannot do everything for you but the advantage you gain is clear. Make sure to check out more content from Littlemann17 if you are looking for more tips to improve your hitting and if you have not already, grab a pair of his official Precision Sports Baseball Kit: Littlemann17 Edition Thumbsticks that come with Precision Rings and test them out to gain a real advantage.