Best Controller Settings for Star Wars Episode 1: Jedi Power Battles
Modern vs Old School Controller Settings
Star Wars is back with a remaster of the Star Wars classic Star Wars Episode 1: Jedi Power Battles from 2000 and has introduced a few upgrades from the original including a new setting to toggle lightsaber colors. Similar to most remasters of older games Star Wars allows you to choose to play with original controller settings as well as modern settings to align with today's controls and buttons. For those who played the original, it may feel nostalgic but for new players, I would absolutely recommend the modern settings as those feel the most natural. One aspect of this remaster that did not change much was the movement, it definitely feels like a game that was made in the 2000s, and the dynamic movement and instant response you would expect from modern games is hardly present. Still, the satisfying feeling of wielding a lightsaber never grows old and the combat is gratifying.

Test Different Sensitivity for Immediate Results
Star Wars Jedi Power Battles Remaster has a mixture of levels including some where you battle your way through waves of droids, others that are platform-heavy or time-based, and some are a mix of both. Outside of combat, there are 2 levels where you can expect to pilot vehicles, one being the AAT which can be a little tricky to control through tight turns and the narrow corridors of Theed City. The turret for AAT is controlled separately from the steering mechanics and feels a bit sluggish so I made sure to raise my sensitivity here to make it easier to aim quickly as you wreak havoc in the city. Another area where increased sensitivity can help is when it comes to the double jump, each character's timing is a bit different and there is a heaviness to the characters that increased sensitivity can help alleviate. Once you have found the best setting for your playstyle you will quickly see the results follow and hopefully ease some frustrations with the older mechanics found in the game.

Choosing The Best Characters for Your Playstyle
In Star Wars Jedi Power Battles Remaster there are 13 new characters added to the original roster and the majority are unlocked from the start which allows you to test out which character is the best to play each level. The attack variations include regular and heavy strikes while each character has different combos you can learn and their force powers as well as different timing. Based on your experience level I have a few characters I would recommend:
● Plo Koon is one of the slowest but easier characters to master due to his combat strength and is especially useful for levels that are more combat-focused like the first level where you start in the Trade Federation Battleship or the Naboo Swamp. These levels both have a lot of close-quarter battles as you fight through cramped spaces and Plo Koon’s force ability, electric judgment, is perfect for crowd control when dealing with multiple enemies.
● Adi Gallia is my go-to recommendation for those pesky platform-focused levels like Theed Palace and Palace Cliffs where speed will give you the best advantage, plus her force abilities will allow you to get out of any tricky combat situations. Adi Gallia is not the strongest in combat but mastering her speed and agility will help with levels that require a ton of movement.
● Mace Windu is going to be your most balanced character and great for any level. His Sabre throw force ability is extremely powerful once you nail down the timing. I have found that increasing your sensitivity for aiming his lightsaber throw makes a significant difference.

Each character will take some getting accustomed to so I would encourage any player to take advantage of the practice mode so you can master combos, force abilities, and movement before taking on any new levels. Star Wars Episode 1: Jedi Power Battles is full of nostalgia and if you are up for the challenge of learning or relearning the classic controls KontrolFreek's Thumbsticks are a must-have. In-game movement and understanding your character's timing for jumps and deflections will be your key to success and KontrolFreek’s CQC and Lotus Thumbsticks pair perfectly with Star Wars Jedi Power Battles Remasters.